Angora II. GM Tournament

The games WIM Nazi Paikidze vs. FM Burak Firat and GM Yuri Yakovich vs. IM Baris Esen were short draws. Young player IM Mustafa Yilmaz who had chance for GM norm, lost the game after the strong piece sacrifice of his opponent GM George-Gabriel Grigore.
IM Mert Erdogdu, who started the tournament very badly, couldn't win a technically won position after the weak moves he made against GM Leonid Gofshtein under time trouble and lost half point.
GM Viktor Moskalenko achieved a nice win against the youngest player of the tournament CM Vahap Sanal.
We thank all players who have played in the tournament and hope to see them in another tournament.

Although the drawing chances were high in the game GM Viktor Moskalenko vs. FM Burak Firat, GM Moskalenko was the side who took home the full point.
IM Baris Esen, who had high chances for a GM norm, had his first defeat against WIM Nazi Paikidze.
IM Mustafa vs GM Yuri Yakovich and IM Mert Erdogdu vs GM George-Gabriel Grigore games were drawn whereas GM Leonid Gofshtein beat his young opponent.
The tough challenge will end with the last two games.
In the game GM Leonid Gofshtein vs. FM Burak Firat, white brought home the full point after a few inaccurate moves by his opponent who was under time pressure. GM Viktor Moskalenko and IM Baris Esen couldn't get what they wanted from the opening and agreed on a draw.
Although WIM Nazi Paikidze had an exchange up after the opening, IM Mustafa Yilmaz had sufficient compensation and he managed to turn this advantage into a win.
GM Yuri Yakovich and GM Grigore George-Gabriel played attacking chess and won their games whibh brought the score to 3½-1½ in favour of Team A
 FM Burak Firat played in a stable style again and didn't lose the game against GM Grigore George-Gabriel. The game IM Baris Esen and GM Leonid Gofshtein was long and challenging where GM Gofshtein missed a mate when there was 4 queens on the board. IM Esen took advantage of this and got the full point. IM Mustafa Yilmaz managed to win against one of the french defense experts GM Viktor Moskalenko. WIM Nazi Paikidze beat his strong opponent IM Mert Erdogdu and GM Yuri Yakovich beat his young opponent CM Vahap Sanal.